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Lexographic Novelist in the news

james sparling

Paul Barile on My Brother's Hands in My Suburban Life

Berwyn native Paul Barile has appeared in several television shows and commercials, as well as written and directed many plays and films. But of all his accomplishments, he’s most proud of publishing his first novel, “My Brother’s Hands.”

“This is something I did by myself – it’s just me,” he said. “It’s my work and my ideas. It’s a bucket list thing and a gift to my dad. No one can ever take this away from me. I’ve always wanted to write, and now, my stories are being told.”

The book, which Barile describes as “magic realism,” takes place in contemporary times and tells the story of Peter, an ordinary teen who one day discovers he has incendiary stigmata, but instead of blood, he shoots fire from his hands.

read the full story here