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5000 South Cornell Avenue
Chicago, IL, 60615
United States



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james sparling

Lucha Lucha everywhere: the lucha legends series kicks off for real

Starting at the end of this month, the first book in the lucha legends series for kids is available for pre-order.

The lucha legends series celebrates all the heroes that make up the colorful world of Lucha Libre: the fighters, the ring-masters, the writers, the announcers. We follow their stories as they each go on their journey to their dreams.

The chapter books are all published in side-by-side dual languages so that they make an ideal introduction to the Spanish language for English speakers, or English for Spanish speakers… Each book is beautifully illustrated in color with 14+ images, and printed in high-quality as well as being available as ebooks.

So far we have seven legends planned and we’ll reveal them one by one over the next few months. But for now we’d like to introduce you to Aguila Azul…