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Searching for Patty Hearst out today!

james sparling

We are delighted to announce that Searching For Patty Hearst: A True Crime Novel is hitting the streets today, Jan 16th. Roger Rapoport’s 50 year in the making novelization of the 50 year old Patty Hearst saga is “the Catch 22 of the radical terrorist actions in the latter part of last century. It is an amazing, clever re-creation of those troubling times.”

“The kidnapping of Patty Hearst was one of the most extraordinary stories of its time, and all of us who followed it imagined, many times, the conversations, inner struggles, and clandestine meetings that must have taken place out of our sight. How nice it is to now see the skilled Roger Rapoport weave such ingredients, and his own extensive knowledge of the case, into this gripping, evocative, and suspenseful novel.”

Adam Hochschild, author American Midnight and King Leopold’s Ghost.

It’s available from our dedicated website, signed copies by the author here: and on Kindle from Amazon here.

It’s speculative fiction, based on Rapoport’s take on the case. Rapoport interviews all the main protagonists in the case and allows them to tell their honest version of events in a way they never could in real life. Rapoport spans the 50 years from kidnapping to the present day and reveals a fun, time-travelogue through the story that captivated a country half a century ago. Rapoport was one of the first reporters on the case in Berkeley in 1974 and worked with Patty’s fiancé on a book, until Steve Weed sacked him and slapped him with an NDA.

It is a story that is deeply wrapped up in California history, from San Simeon to San Francisco, from her house with her tutor Steve Weed in Berkeley to Mel’s Sporting Goods in LA. We have 15 author’s events set up in libraries and bookstores in California (Jan/Feb 2024, more info at ), an op ed in the Washington Post, several local npr interviews booked and more to come.

We are truly excited to bring this long-gestating novel to the public!